Cities in South America commit to taking urgent climate action for a sustainable future, seeking financing and solutions adapted to each region.

17 de jun de 2024

The challenging international context requires the consolidation of a unified stance by local governments in the face of the climate crisis. Therefore, South American cities expressed the need to open a discussion that encourages the search for financing and resources to create urban resilience strategies and improve the ability to plan and implement solutions adapted to different regional and local contexts.


This declaration represents a joint commitment by South American cities towards a more sustainable future and recognizes the imminent need to act with urgency and determination in the face of the current threat posed by the climate emergency in our region. We ask them to join this collective effort to ensure a safer and fairer world for future generations. We can transform our cities and regions into examples of resilience and sustainability, leading the way to a climate-stable, prosperous and inclusive present and future.


The Cities Declaration: Regional Commitment in Action is supported by 74 cities from 7 countries.


It is available for new members, contact:


English version | Portuguese version | Spanish version

